Thank you to the Catanya (Catanya's Things) for tagging me! I'm a new reader to her blog, but from what I can tell: I sure to love it. The posts are always insightful and informative. :) Thanks again, girl!
The rules:
Tell your readers 10 things about you that they may or may not know, but are true. Tag ten people with the award, and be sure to let them know they've been tagged (a quick comment on their blog will do). Don't forget to link back to the blogger who tagged you.
- I am a huge reader! I have dozens of books and I've read them all. I joke to my bf that i want to own my library. Reading a book a day is often a daily thing for me. My bf HATES to read. He finds it super boring.
- My boyfriend and I have been together a long time. It will be 9 years, this February. He's the best! He's the yin to my yang.
- After all those years, we finally moved in together last year. This July 24 will mark our one year anniversary of living together.
- I have 1 sister. She's older than I. We looks as different as day and night. Our personalities are just as different, maybe more. Yet we always get along.
- I am a huge dog person. I have 1 dog, her name is Kylie. She turned 5 yrs old this year!! She's my world!
- I want a lot of dogs. Like at least 5! All the same breed as Kylie. It's a hard breed to find, especially one bred as fine as her. But, I will happen one day. I would mate her, but finding a stud has proven super difficult in these last 2 years.
- I first started wearing makeup when I was 16. The first brand ever was Mac. It was really popular in my school, all the girls were wearing it. So I followed suit.
- At 16, I had started to get mild-moderate acne. It wasn't till 17 that I realized that Mac studio fix powder was the issue. It cleared up by the time I was 18. Till last July (2008) I haven't worn a Mac foundation. In August that same year, I started to get realllllly bad acne. Terrible. The pictures would shock you!
- Since the age of 18 I've been really into skin care. My acne in HS traumatized me so bad, that the day if i see a pimple i freak out. I have real sensitive skin to it looks even more terrible. But I have a great routine that my skin loves and works miracles!!
- My dream job would to be a novelist! A good also. To have published and sold in books stores worldwide would be phenomenal! I can only dream!
**I know it's not 10, but it's really hard to pick ppl!
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