I did manage to go the CCO. I got a few things. I was a bit disappointed with the selections they had there. I had heard that the cco there is really good... it is vegas for crissakes! I had went there for 1 purpose: "Redhead" Msf. It wasn't there of course. The other 2 were. They had loads in stock of brunette and blonde. I should of got the blonde, but I was a bit down cause they didnt have redhead.
Also I noticed that I'm almost at 50 subscribers! YAY! I'm thinking of doing a contest or a giveaway. Scratch that... it might be a bit premature for a contest. But, I'm definitely gonna do a giveaway. Do you all think its a good idea???
I'll post up my vegas haul in a day or 2. Also I have other important news that'll will be up in a bit! I hope you're all doing well and i'll talk to you soon!!